Best moment of our lives

From now on and forever we're gonna be together

Family 'fooling around' time

Groom in black jacket holding an ananas and closing his face with it

Ananas anyone?

You marry me, you marry my cat

And so the adventure begins...

Bride and groom holding a wedding bouquet

Ananas healthy treat for newlyweds

Bride and groom standing shoulder to shoulder and holding a pineapple

Couldn't be any happier in this moment

First moments of us as a family

A little fun is always appropriate on the marriage

Do not eat after 6 p.m.

When he said about a kiss i thought it was for me

Bride and groom standing shoulder to shoulder and holding a pineapple

Adding a little bit of fun to wedding ceremony

And so the adventure begins...

Handsome young man in a suit

Feeling a little bit nervous

Bunch of friends standing close to each other

Getting last preparations done before great moment

Being married to this man feels just great

Being together like a family is all we've ever wanted

Ananas healthy treat for newlyweds

And so the adventure begins...

First moments of us as a family

Groom in black suit holding a pineapple and like complimenting it

Bride and groom holding a wedding bouquet

Being creative at the wedding

And our family life starts here

Can't believe that i'm getting married

A happy bride taking photo of her groom blowing her a kiss under the green trees near the river

And our family life starts here

And so the adventure begins...

Ananas treat anyone?

From now on and forever we're gonna be together

Can't wait to give my wifey a kiss

And so the adventure begins...

Focusing at reading

Bride and groom standing shoulder to shoulder and holding a pineapple

Couldn't be any happier in this moment

From now on and forever we're gonna be together

Blow a kiss to your ex

Bouquet of white flowers to celebrate our marriage

And so the adventure begins...

First moments of us as a family


First moments of us as a family

Bride and groom standing shoulder to shoulder and holding a pineapple

Being rejected by the love of your life

Can't believe that i'm getting married

Groom in black suit holding a pineapple and like complimenting it

Bride and groom hugging and holding a pineapple

Fooling around a little bit

And our family life starts here

Can't believe that i'm getting married

Focusing at reading

Groom and bride wearing animal hats and holding hands

Being rejected by the love of your life