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Brick wall with wheelchair ramp

Discovering stuff in the web net with my love

Just enjoying my life to the fullest

Limitations only exist in the mind

Just enjoying my life to the fullest

'cause life is beautiful and every minute is precious

Every minute of the life is precious

Great net surfing time

'cause life is beautiful and every minute is precious

Every minute of life can be full of joy

Never give up

Let's catch this moment, my love

'cause life is beautiful and every minute is precious

Every minute of the life is precious

Let's catch this moment, my love

Computer geeks spending time together

Believe you can and you’re halfway there

Feeling myself so good

Enjoying time together while taking a selfie

For now crutches are my closest friends

Feeling myself just great

Having just a great time with my love

Know me for my abilities, not my disability

Enjoying music

Feeling myself just great

Just enjoying my life to the fullest

Enjoying life and just listening to the music

Guy driving a wheelcahir and disabled girl showing him something on the phone

Let's catch this moment, my love

All you need for photo blog



Helping to recover and get results

A man looking at a map in front of parked bicycles

Getting back in old shape requires time

White spiral-shaped staircase

Having just a wonderful time with my sweetheart

'cause life is beautiful and every minute is precious

Young asian hiker girl standing with trekking poles in hands
