A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands

A nice-looking middle-aged blonde woman in a burgundy shirt and with a simple bouquet of flowers in her hands





Red flowers on white background

Green bush

Red dried flowers

Woman holding wild flowers


Yellow chrysanthemum heads over pink background



Flower heads

A day with a friend is always a day well spent

Flower heads

Flower heads

Flower heads

Woman holding wild flowers

Flower heads


Red dried flowers

Citrus slices and green leaves over pastel background

Flower heads