Contemplating classical art getting created

Young asian ballerina in a transparent light blue dress standing in a classical ballet pose

Elegance and magic

There is 'u' in a 'beauty' for a reason

Young asian ballerina in a transparent light blue dress standing in a classical ballet pose

Schoolgirl practicing ballet moves

Schoolgirl practicing ballet moves

Man in casual clothes posing

Ballet dance is made of sweat and work, work, work

Man in casual clothes walking

Mastering moves could really take a while

Man in casual clothes posing

Young asian ballerina standing in dance position

Back view of a teen girl in sportswear balancing on her leg

Man in casual clothes posing

Ballet dance is what my soul is about

Man in casual clothes standing

Back view of a young man holding his girlfriend up above the floor

Man in casual clothes standing

Man in casual clothes standing

Man in casual clothes standing

Man in casual clothes standing

Doing ballet really right and correct

Man in casual clothes walking

Practicing these dance moves to the very top

Man in casual clothes standing

Young man in orange sweatshirt standing

Beauty of dance itself combined with gifted talent

Man in casual clothes walking

Catching a breath between all the dance moves

Ballet is about technique and strength

Man in casual clothes posing

Man in casual clothes standing

Man in casual clothes standing

Woman in beautiful blouse dancing

Woman in beautiful blouse jumping

Man in casual clothes standing

Bringing these ballet dance to perfection

Side view of young man and woman with hands up

Young asian ballerina standing in ballet position

Rear view of a woman in casual clothes standing on toes

Man in casual clothes standing

A woman ballet dancing in a conference room

Young asian ballerina standing in dance position

Bringing these ballet dance to perfection

Side view of a dark-skinned young female showing thumb down

Guy with closed eyes standing on his one leg and holding hands back

Woman in beautiful blouse standing

Man in white t-shirt doing yoga

Side view of an emotional woman in casual clothes bending down and pointing with finger

Guessing about moves takes a while

Concentrating on practicing this move till perfection

Young in sport shorts jumping over the rope

Side view of a happy woman in casual clothes standing on toes

Man in casual clothes standing

Ballet is the greatest passion and work

Woman in a white dress standing

Side view of a screaming female rocker showing a rock gesture

Some moves from the very hip hop basics

Catching a breath between all the dance moves