Multicolored beans scattered on black background

Fried coffee beans

Black pepper beans on white background

Hand watch silhouette surrounded by multicolored beans

Three rectangles shaped of black rice buckwheat and multicolored beans

Black line between scatterings of beans

Hand watch silhouette surrounded by multicolored beans

Two rectangles shaped of black rice and buckwheat


Mix of brown black and white beans

Multicolored beans shaped in a circle


Heart shaped handful of black rice

Hand watch silhouette surrounded by multicolored beans

Hand watch silhouette surrounded by multicolored beans

Dried millet seeds

Green and yellow peas texture

Great snack option to taste


Pink background with small ballls

Dried pumpkin seeds

Roasted and salted peanuts are a classic snack

Front view of a young surprised man in red pullover outspreading his hands

Three-quarter view of a man standing with hand on his ear

Front view of a young boxing man in red pullover

A person making a heart shape with their hands with avocados in the background

Shy young man holding a pile of plastic straws

Front view of boy in dance position

A woman feeding a tiny pet pig from her hands

Blister of pills