A shirtless young man wearing a safety helmet

Naked young man wearing construction helmet

My job hasn't been very creative lately

Construction worker daily routine

Assisting to forklift operator

Construction worker daily routine

Road worker daily routine

Construction worker showing thumbs up

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Two men in a construction worker uniform

Good morning, it's my first day here

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

A man in an orange uniformAI

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Building process workers are panicking

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

Assistance to loading and unloading of materials is one of his duties

A little to the left, man!

Worker about to hit a quadcopter with a hammer

And what should i do with that?

Feeling super sure and motivated about this building

Building process is about a lot of thinking too

Female worker standing on stepladder and holding pliers

Construction process is about to start

Someone's panicking and other's trying to save the situation

Worker using demolition hammer on woman's teeth

Gonna try my best at building this

Being careful with all these measures

Discussing all the work stuff

Female worker standing on stepladder and holding pliers

Man and woman shaking hands

Discussing all the work stuff

Positive and excited about all it

Gonna try my best at building this

Getting ready for the work

Gotta catch a breath and refresh myself a little

Being careful with all these measures

Gonna try my best at building this

Even renovations process can't stop me from sleeping

Building process can be fun

Gonna try my best at building this

Repairman with drill

Discussing all the work stuff

I'm not really good at fixing things with hammer

Gonna try my best at building this

Have a lot of building plans for today

Discussing all the work stuff