Confused mature man and confident young woman

Handsome young man

Handsome young man

Going on an adventure

Age and experience made him wise

Checking the time

Elegant mature man wearing a hat

Age and experience made him wise

Don't make me tell you twice

Age and experience made him wise

Handsome young man

Handsome young man

Getting familiar with new device

I got something in my eye

Charisma. you can't buy it

Aged couple sitting at the table with their hands folded

Charisma. you can't buy it

It sucks, you know

Handsome young man

Aged couple having coffee and watching movie on tablet

Handsome young man

Movie watching together with my love

It sucks, you know

His outfit looks so comfy

Elegant mature man wearing a hat

Aged couple sitting at table and looking at digital tablet

Age and experience made him wise and strong

Elegant elderly couple giving gifts to each other

Handsome young man

Elegant elderly couple giving gifts to each other

Handsome young man

Elegant elderly couple giving gifts to each other

Handsome young traveller holding airplane model over the globe

And what's this all about?