A woman with surgical markings on her face

Beauty requires sacrifice

Young woman having her face injected with botox

Young woman with bandaged head and hands touching her face

Young woman with bandaged head and hands framing her face

Afro american woman receiving hyaluronic acid injection

Young woman annoyed at hands pulling her skin

Young woman having her face injected with botox

A woman in a surgical cap getting her face marked

Young woman with bandaged head and hands next to her face

Doctor preparing boy for surgery

Young woman in surgical cap and hands tilting her head

Female patient with hands putting plaster on her nose

Young woman getting lip fillers

Young woman feeling uncomfortable and hands stretching her skin

Young woman with bandaged head and gloved hand under her face

Female patient with hands putting plaster on her nose

Woman feeling pain during botox injection

Female patient with hands next to her face

Young woman with head bandage surrounded by hands

Young woman with face markings getting filler injection

Woman looking terrified during filler injection

Female patient with gloved hand next to her face

A woman with a magnifying glass over her lips

Young woman with head bandage surrounded by hands

Female patient with gloved hands above and below her face

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

A woman standing next to a couple of mannequins in face masks

Young woman with face markings preparing for surgery

Close-up of a young man shaving partner's face

A woman is getting her face retouched by a doctorAI

Young woman about to get botox injection

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

Young woman getting lip fillers

Doctor putting gauze on young woman's face

Young woman with head bandage surrounded by hands

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

Woman looking upset while getting filler injection

Woman looking tense during lip injection

Young woman with head bandage surrounded by hands

Female patient with hands holding her face

Female patient with hand putting a band aid on her nose

Woman feeling pain during botox injection

Female patient with gloved hands framing her face

Doctor checking young woman's nose after rhinoplasty

Female patient with gloved hand touching her chin

Young woman getting botox injection

Young woman putting syringe in her mouth

A woman wearing a surgical mask in a hospitalAI

Young woman preparing for plastic surgery

Doctor applying bandage to young woman's nose

Young woman with face markings and hands stretching her skin

Doctor's hand removing tape from woman's nose after rhinoplasty

Young woman getting filler injection

Side view of a woman getting botox injection

Tattooed woman getting botox injection

African-american woman getting botox injection in her forehead

Woman with surprised face looking at syringe

Woman looking terrified during filler injection

Young woman with face markings and hand holding pencil