Female hands showing kind of half circle

Man looking cool with a finger gun

Back view of a school girl with her hands up

Three-quarter view of a young girl showing stop hand sign

Side view of a young girl with peace hand sign

Back view of a schoolgirl with both hands up

This is the magic of art

Man looking cool with a finger gun

Young woman making a finger gun

Back view of a young girl standing and pointing up

Young woman in casual clothes making a finger gun

Front view of a young girl standing and showing heart

Painted female hand

Side view of a blonde woman making a finger gun

Back view of an old man shaking his fist in the air

Back view of a young girl standing with peace hand sign

Portrait of an elderly man showing okay sign

Painted female hand

Front view of a man pointing in front of him

Boy showing peace gesture

Three-quarter view of a young girl making no sign with crossed arms

Three-quarter view of a young girl standing with hand horns

Back view of a blonde woman making a finger gun

Painted female hand

Painted female hand

Back view of a schoolgirl giving thumbs up

Front view of a little boy showing stop sign

Painted female hand

Blonde girl standing back to camera with two thumbs up

Young barefoot woman flashing two hands with thumbs up

Painted female hand

Male doctor showing stop hand

Portrait of an old man smiling while thumbing his nose

Side view of a schoolgirl making finger gun

Painted female hand

Young girl standing and showing palm

Front view of a young girl showing two thumbs up

Side view of a man clapping his hands

Schoolgirl keeping her fingers crossed

Side view of a young girl standing and showing off her palm

Painted female hand

Back view of a schoolgirl crossing her fingers

Male office worker with folded hands

Painted female hand

Side view of a schoolgirl making okay sign

Painted female hand

Man looking cool with a finger gun

Three-quarer view of a young girl showing off her palms

Boy with hand gesture

Three-quarter view of a young girl pointing up

Three-quarter view of a young girl standing and showing thumbs down

Schoolgirl with long hair showing thumbs down