Pros of having little amount of clothes: you have to try really hard to get tired on the laundry day

This shirt was white before i decided that washing it with my pink blouse sounds like a good idea

Take a photo of me like i am good at housekeeping

I'm pretty sure i didn't have this t-shirt when i started washing clothes today

No funny business

That moment when you get hit by the existential crisis in the middle of folding your clothes

Woman holding a red polo on her knees

Okay, three done, it's a good start

I love laundry days because i get to see all my favourite clothes at once

Will they notice if i just put the rest underneath like this

That moment when you want to organize your clothes by colour but get stuck for half an hour instead staring at the striped shirt and trying to decide which pile it fits

Oh, it was actually "no hot water" sign, not the "more hot water" one

Young asian woman in a light blue blouse folding freshly-washed clothes

This month's trend is pastel

Folding clothes that have just been washed and dried is my favourite type of asmr

I treat my clothes and clothes of my boyfriend absolutely the same way, why did you ask

A secret folding technique

Okay, just a few more, you can do this

So done with all of that

Some people genuinely love doing house chores and i am one of them

Not sure if that's the right time for a photo

God, please, let these two be the last ones

And i thought origami was hard

Indian woman holding face mask and white towel on shoulder

Let's get my body improven

Great test results

Close-up a male and a dough hanging over his arm

Woman pointing down

A young woman in a pink dress making a stop signAI

Smiling young indian woman holding white towel

Sad young man holding a microphone

Fat man trying to put on a shirt

Woman pointing forward

No hopes i'm gonna be there on time

A back side view of the cute young woman dressed in black dancing on the black background

Young afrowoman focused on makeup application

Person searching something in bag

'everything is ok'

Standing man looking at his wristwatch

Young man in casual clothes standing

Reaching for no wrinkles on the shirt

Young guy using a payment terminal

Young indian woman throwing towel away

Never tried any of these tints before so i'm pretty excited

Must-do stretching exercise

Sisters fight

Young woman taking off pink latex gloves, looking bored

Do you like the result?

Young girl touching head back to camera

A young man gesturing backwards to camera

Young non-binary person unrolling toilet paper

Keep calm even if you wake up on the roof of the house

Young indian woman applying hand cream

Young caucasian man pointing at book he's holding

Serious man showing five fingers

Front view of a teen girl in sportswear raising hands and arguing

Indian woman holding face mask and white towel on shoulder

Going to the fridge at night