I'm sorry, no working today, look at this arrangement, i can't ruin this perfection

I hope that's enough to fix a leaking pipe

A set of painting tools arranged neatly on the white background

They said i'd need those for my house makeover but honestly i only know how to use like two of them

A set of painting tools arranged neatly on the white background

*in child's voice* look at all those instruments!!

Arranging tools is the most important part of the job, if you spend less than an hour on it you are doing it wrong

The brighter your working tools look the happier you feel at your workplace, i'm not making the rules

Now when i can pound nails into things and then pull them out to pound them back again, i'm never bored

Ready for fixing stuff at all times

A set of plumbing tools arranged neatly on the white background

A few seconds before the giant mess i created trying to hang a picture on the wall

A set of working tools arranged neatly on the white background

I like to carry my hacksaw with me all the time to show people i'm a big carpentry enthusiast, but for some reason they draw some weird conclusions out of it

This is a rasp. or at least i think so. sorry, i'm not that competent in things like this

A set of plumbing tools arranged in a circle on the white backgroung

A painting brush lying on the plain white background

Look dangerous and are actually dangerous, what a simple thing this tool is

A set of painting tools arranged in a circle on the white background

A striped paint roller with a bright orange handle lying on the plain white background

If you look from the distance this glass wiper looks like it's disappointed in you, which is also true

A steel wire brush with a bright yellow handle lying on the plain white background

Now when i have a tape measure i'm determined to measure everything i can reach and even more

A metal chisel with a black handle lying on the plain white background

Bright tools for easy work

This is my favourite tool, i do everything with it, and would do even more if i knew what it is for

Closed nippers with a bright yellow and black handle lying on a plain white background

Open nippers with a bright yellow and black handle lying on a plain white background

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Carpentry tools

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches

Allen wrenches



Holding jar with shaving cream foam

Allen wrenches

Holding jar with shaving cream foam


Colourful leaf broom on white background

Allen wrenches

Jar with shaving cream foam and shaving brush

Male tattoed hands

Carpentry tools

Holding sharp straight razor

Colourful shovel on white background

Yellow and orange rake on white background

Yellow and orange rake on white background

A man in an apron is putting on a glove

Male tattoed hands

Colorful dumbbells

Jar with shaving cream foam and shaving brush

Ceramic bottles in wooden box

Apple and orange

Ceramic bottles

Attractive young woman with an iron looking pleased with herself

Male tattoed hand