The dark side of religion

Yeah, this is really funny!

Turning off a light

And now i leave...

A three-quarter side view of a sexy young girl holding a book

Man in vr headset put his hand forward

A three-quarter side view of a cute girl holding a candle

I cant believe it!

A frontal view of a sexy girl posing on a dark background an holding a book and a candle

Now i handle with vampires

God, please help! i need it so much!

Just wait a little bit and magic is going to happen

Who's there?

Man in vr headset reaching forward

A frontal view of a cute sexy woman holding a candle

How do you like this little guy, huh?

Why, god, why?

A frontal view of a cute young girl posing on a dark background and holding a candle

Now im ready to cast a spell!

Got my wings and ready to just fly away

Someone was calling fairy?

A side view of a sexy girl posing on a dark background and holding a candle

Young overweight man dressed as a fairy holding fairy wand and looking aside

I like the smell of candles

I'm here in this world to bring charms and magic

Dreamy looking young overweight man dressed as a fairy holding fairy wand

Young overweight man dressed as a fairy looking up and holding fairy wand

Isn't this toy rabbit just amazing?

Dreamy young overweight man dressed as a fairy

A side view of a cute woman on the dark background holding a candle

Fairies have their hard time too, you know

I'm here in this world to bring charms and magic

Hahah! that was so funny!

Dreamy young overweight man dressed as a fairy

A frontal view of a good looking sexy girl posing with a candle

Shy and overwhelmed with magical power, you know

Male clown showing toy rabbit he's holding

I wish i could cast spells!

Look, my toy is feeling the same way i feel

Male clown looking with a little bit of disgust at toy rabbit he's holding

Okay, now i can see!

Now i need to think for a moment

Now its time to turn off a light

We need a light! come on!

Young plump man dressed as a fairy smoking a cigarette

Young plump man dressed as a fairy smoking a cigarette

A three-quarter side view of a sexy young woman posing on a dark background

The flame is not hot. something is going wrong

A dark spiritual ritual

Young plump man dressed as a fairy doing scary expression

A cute woman posing on the dark background and holding a candle

Come on! its the last match!

Fairies have their hard time too, you know

No-o-o-o! i lost it!

Folks, can you guess who do we've got here?

A back side view of a cute girl holding a candle

Man in vr headset clapping his hands

A cute young woman posing on the dark background and holding a candle

Serious looking young plump man dressed as a fairy holding cigarette

Its time for romantic!