Female hand holding face makeup brush

Female hand holding face makeup brush

Today's mood is softness and cleanliness

Female hand holding brush

A good looking blond-haired young man in a white bathrobe, being in the process of his beauty care routine

Young blond-haired person in a pastel violet shirt, doing their makeup

Drag queen putting on make up

-and then we're gonna put the second layer of the face mask on, stay tuned and learn my secret technique for the better results!

Don't move, i want it to look perfect

You wanna look good? i'll make you look good

A little bit of makeup and i'm ready to face the day

Cold, collected and ready to start working

Should i add a bit more of a highlighter?

Looks good so far, now to the next step

Back view of a person putting on eyeshadow

A little bit lost in thought while applying makeup

Finishing makeup routine and i'm ready to go

A good looking blond-haired young man in a white bathrobe, being in the process of his beauty care routine

It's mesmerizing how each stroke of a brush is turning me into an art piece

Drag queen fixing hair while looking in the mirror

Giving this makeup look a thought

I truly love my job and my clients

A good looking blond-haired young man in a white bathrobe, being in the process of his beauty care routine

Young blond-haired person in a pastel violet shirt, doing their makeup

Applying the eyeshadows before putting on the face powder is a super new trend, i've just created it

I wonder how vampires do their skin care routine if they can't see themselves in a mirror

Don't you think that this look works quite good?

What are you looking at

Black woman in white bathrobe and head towel enjoying her skin care routine

Woman holding a makeup brush in front of her face

Ready to create a masterpiece

Young blond-haired person in a pastel violet shirt, doing their makeup

Beautiful woman holding makeup brush in her mouth

Makeup is my greatest passion

Close-up of a person applying make up

Woman with makeup brush between lips and nose as mustache

Hmm i feel like my skin is two shades darker but i guess i'll give it a try

A bit more of contouring? or should i add more highlighter instead?

Creating a very natural look

Burgundy lace lingerie

They have no idea yet that i went with full on drag make up on their face..someone's in for quite a surprise





After gym makeup application

Young woman in sportswear doing makeup

Burgundy lace lingerie

Creating a very natural look


Still can't decide whether this tone was a good or a bad idea


A little magical makeup touch


Black woman in white bathrobe and head towel enjoying her skin care routine


Young blond-haired person in a pastel violet shirt, doing their makeup



Just another day of a beauty blogger