Let's check your lungs, huh?

Do you hear that too?

Enjoying silence sounds

At least we don't have to heal the silence

Trying to figure out what's bothering mr cat

Already involved in work

Confident, prepared and ready to help people

Enjoying silence sounds

Well, ready to face this day

Let's have work day started, hm?

Are you ready to be helped, huh?

Confident, prepared and ready to help people

Thinking about this work day ahead

Mature doctor at work

At least we don't have to heal the silence

First after the uni is always tough

Doing a work that i like and good at is a blessing

Wishing myself a great work day

I'm sorry but i shall give you all these shots

Doctor's work requires serious feeling and a lot of efforts

Is there something i can help you with?

Ready to start my shift

Well, ready to face this day

It's the first case in my practice!

First after the uni is always tough

Take these pills regularly

Mature doctor at work

It's time to start our work day

Let's listen to your hertbeat

Eating a lot of fruits is essential for health

It's 'checking health' time

Good health is the best wealth

Doctor's work day is about to ger started

Is there something i can help you with?

Seems like intensive work day is ahead

Don't worry, nothing serious

Smiling even in the middle of an intensive work day

Hm.. that's an interesting case, you know

Give a thought to all the work stuff

Well, i'm ready to cure diseases and solve all the problems

Let's take care of this nasty flu

I'm listening to you very carefully

A lot of work is about to be done

Well, how about we take this one into consideration

Gonna do some examination today

How much alcohol do you drink, if any?

Let's check your lungs

Beautiful female doctor holding scissors

Checking if this lovely one is totally ok

Guessing about all medical stuff to do

Happy to know that you got well

Exams showed that cat is healthy and completely ok

Enjoying silence sounds

Keeping patients informed in the digital age

Apple helps to prevent a lot of sickness

Let's check your lungs, huh?

In the middle of thinking over all the work stuff

Going through work stuff before starting the day

I don't like that strange sound

I've never heard anything like that!