This new detergent smell really wonderful
Young asian woman is disgusted with the pile of clothes on the table
This new detergent smell really wonderful
Clothes thing isn't easy at all
Picking up an outfit isn't easy thing to do
Taking those hard fashion decisions
It's gonna take me forever to organise all clothes
Stylist job isn't as easy as someone think
Amount of housework is truly endless sometimes
Young asian woman closing nose while holding some item from the pile on the table
And how am i gonna menage all this mess?
It's gonna take me forever to organise all clothes
Amount of housework is truly endless sometimes
And why again i am the one who cares about that clothes, huh?
Dealing with this pile of clothes could really take a while
Choosing look of the day
Being a fashion icon isn't easy
Choosing look of the day
Clothes thing isn't easy at all
Picking up an outfit isn't easy thing to do
This product worked out really well on colourful clothes
And why again i am the one who cares about that clothes, huh?
You know, i could've used some help here
This product worked out really well on colourful clothes
Dealing with this pile of clothes could really take a while
Proud of myself and proud of it
Oh, it was actually "no hot water" sign, not the "more hot water" one
That moment when you want to organize your clothes by colour but get stuck for half an hour instead staring at the striped shirt and trying to decide which pile it fits
Young asian woman in a light blue blouse folding freshly-washed clothes
Okay, three done, it's a good start
I'm pretty sure i didn't have this t-shirt when i started washing clothes today
I am into soft colours today
I think the model on the left would fit me better
This month's trend is pastel
But i have nowhere to go in all these
Okay, just a few more, you can do this
Fresh clothes, fresh mood
No funny business
God, please, let these two be the last ones
A woman standing in front of a rack of clothesAI
I treat my clothes and clothes of my boyfriend absolutely the same way, why did you ask
Well, maybe i should add a little bit of white colour?
I crumple my clothes a bit after ironing so they wouldn't look like i care too much
That moment when you get hit by the existential crisis in the middle of folding your clothes
Man offers two jackets in a store
House painting
So done with all of that
Middle aged couple holding clothes and preparing a suitcase
Middle aged couple packing a suitcase
I think the model on the left would fit me better