A man wearing a face mask holding a bag of vegetablesAI

A man wearing a face mask in a roomAI

A man wearing a face mask holding a glass of wineAI

Elderly lady standing with her fingers crossed

A man wearing a face mask holding a cardboard boxAI

Elderly woman self-isolating at home

A man wearing a face mask holding a bag of vegetablesAI

Man getting crazy on self-protection

A young woman in face mask holding a mop and looking in a mirror

Woman in face mask holding a hammer

Elderly woman dancing on the beach

A woman in a pink shirt and green glovesAI

A fat man holding a bottle of orange juiceAI

A strange looking alien standing in front of a windowAI

A worried elderly lady standing in the kitchen

A man standing in front of a house with a dogAI

A man with a long white beard looking outside

A little boy in lab coat with stethoscope standing next to a little girl in face mask

A man in a blue shirt is holding his headAI

A woman wearing a face mask and holding a boxAI

A fat man holding two apples in his handsAI

A man and a woman wearing masks in a living roomAI

Elderly woman walking in face mask and listening to music

A man in a white shirt is holding his hands to his faceAI

A woman in a pink shirt and green gloves holding a blue bottleAI

Worried elderly woman wearing a face mask

Overwhelmed boy standing on the desk

A person sitting at a table with a bunch of yarnAI

Cozy looking woman sitting on a chair next to a window and hugging her legs

A man closing ears and a little girl screaming on a background

A woman wearing a face mask standing in front of a deskAI

A scared looking woman standing with a man holding a hammer behind her

A man in a white tank top holding a bottle of beer and chips in his hand

A man with a facial mask in a bathroom

Old man standing on a balcony and looking at camera

A man and a woman sitting on a bed with laptop

A man and woman sitting on a bed looking at a laptopAI

Man and woman sitting on bed

A young woman holding a lemon close to her face

A man juggling apples in kitchen

A little girl standing in front of the balcony

A bald man with a beard reading a newspaperAI

A man juggling apples

A young boy sitting at a window sill looking outAI

A woman sitting in front of a window with her hand on her chinAI

An older woman wondering about something

A man showing of his belly in a kitchen

A man sitting at a table with brush and cleaner

All this puzzle got me puzzled

Man holding a sandwich and a bottle of juice

Young guy standing near the mirror

A man in a white shirt posing for a pictureAI

Enjoying cup of warm tea

Girl standing in front of a window

Woman yawning and covering mouth with her hand

A woman sitting at a kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffeeAI

A woman shouting on another woman

Two women in robes hugging each other

Elderly woman exercising at home

A fat man holding a tennis racket and ballAI