Close-up a student couple holding hands

Close-up male student holding hands with his girlfriend

Thoughtful asian girl standing sideways to camera

A serious asian girl standing with arms akimbo

A young woman standing with her feet shoulder width apart

Sad 'cause i missed a class today

Serious asian girl giving a salute

Funny asian girl holding a finger gun next to her head

A young woman standing still with her head turned aside

A young asian woman looking upwards

Serious young girl walking sideways

A young asian woman pointing downwards

Asian school girl touching hair

Serious asian girl walking sideways

Serious asian girl giving a salute

A young asian woman standing with arms at side

Asian school girl with backpack standing in profile and holding fist next to her forehead

Asian young woman jumping sideways to camera

Schoolgirl tying her belt

A young woman holding hand next to her forehead

Asian school girl with backpack standing in profile and holding fist next to her forehead

Young asian girl in deep thoughts

Young asian girl going to squat

Cheerful asian school girl showing victory

Asian school girl recording a voice message

All set and packed and ready to head to school

Young girl slightly bowing forward

Asian school girl gasping while using smartphone


Figured out dance moves for this song

Cute asian girl looking over a distant prospect

Smiling asian girl pointing with a finger

Laughing asian school girl touching face

Cheerful asian young woman lifting her skirt up

A surprised asian girl standing sideways to a camera

Schoolgirl making hand binoculars

Back view of a schoolgirl making peace sign

Serious asian girl holding hands crossed on her chest

Tired young girl touching her neck

Schoolgirl smiling while standing with arms crossed

All set and packed and ready to head to school

Pensive asian school girl looking at phone

Shy asian school girl holding hands behind back

Guessing what's gonna be the best way to respond

Young asian girl standing and holding hands together

Great day it's gonna be

A young asian girl bowing forward

A young woman looking over a far

Cheerful young girl giving a thumb up

Sad girl is about to cry

Serious asian girl holding hands crossed on her chest

Schoolgirl showing the length of something

Young girl cradling her hands and looking upwards

Schoolgirl touching her chin while daydreaming

A young asian girl feeling lost and helpless

Asian young woman feeling a backache

A cute asian girl waddling along

Back view of a schoolgirl shaking her fist

Young girl touching her head with a finger

A young woman lifting one leg