A white man in a fully black suit holding the quran

A white man in a fully black suit holding the quran

A white man in a fully black suit holding the quran

Young man speaking into a microphone sideways to camera

Businessman sniffing money

Cheerful young woman applying mascara

Young man gesturing while speaking into microphone

Angry mother telling her son off

Are you serious? i can't believe it!

Involved in serious work conversations

And you decided to tell me this just now?

She makes herself heard

Arguing about new technology

A lot to discuss between coworkers

But this new device is just great

Side view of a man praying with eyes closed

Interracial friends playing video game and the other doesn't want to do it

I didn't see it coming

And i thought we were friends!

Feeling a little bit lost in thoughts

I fixed all the leaks in your house so no more problems

Man smelling banknotes

Arguing about new technology

Young overweight office worker yelling at smartphone he's holding

Discussing work stuff with the colleague

Having some severe flu these days

Well, didn't anyone really get this joke?

Finishing today's makeup

Young asian man speaking into a microphone

She's ready to call to action

And what you always try to make me mad, huh?

And you decided to tell me this just now?

'cause all the info needs to be memorised and written down

It's just as bad as nail biting

I am really surprised

Woman in a white dress standing

Female coach training a pupil

It's your responsibility too