Young black woman with a short haircut, posing in a blue outfit with a mobile phone in her hand

When the conversation is so tiresome you start calling out to the universe for help

Very interesting, but what does it have to do with me and my department

When you are not sure how to tell them that they spend last ten minutes talking to the wrong person

Telling your imaginary friend how your day was is an important part of a daily communication

Young black woman with a short haircut, posing in a blue outfit with a mobile phone in her hand

Wanna know colleagues opinion about that

Okay then, bye! see you later

Black woman with a short haircut, wearing all blue, standing against a plain pastel background, looking emotional

My mama didn't raise a quitter but at the moments like this i'm very close to proving that statement wrong

Telling coworkers about problems we're facing

Pointing out the best statement in the article

Black woman with a short haircut, wearing all blue, standing against a plain pastel background, looking emotional

A fat man in sportswear with bottle of beer and handful of chips

When the news is good and you're listening to the other person getting all excited about it

Oh, come on! what happened next?

Black woman with a short haircut, wearing all blue, standing against a plain pastel background, looking emotional

A call from a friend in the middle of a crazy office day is always like a breath of fresh air

Black short-haired woman in a white and green dress, standing with a map in her hands

When you genuinely love and care about the person and can listen to them talk forever, even if it's an hour-long speech about their day

Join the resistance against the pollution!

Angry mother telling her son off

A young barber and his client

Deeply involved in conversatiom

Are you serious? i can't believe it!

Arguing about new technology

But this new device is just great

Arguing about new technology

A boy whispering something to a woman

Discussing some uni stuff

Look, that's my ex over there

Applying mascara to achieve extreme volume

It's just as bad as nail biting