Aged couple sitting at the table and looking at tablet

Blow a kiss to your ex

Aren't you gorgeous?

Aged man eating cookie from his wife's hands

Adorable, baby, just adorable!

Can't be more grateful for having her in my life

Aged couple sitting at the table with their hands folded

Getting familiar with new device

Elder woman holding cookies and her husband don't understand it

Aged couple sitting at table and looking at digital tablet

Elder man covering his eyes with cookies sitting next to his wife

Aged couple having coffee and looking movie on tablet

Aged couple having coffee and watching movie on tablet

Aged couple having coffee and watching something at tablet

Aged couple sitting at the table and having coffee and cookies

Aged couple sitting at the table, having cookies and coffee and watching movie on tablet

Movie watching together with my love

How do i look with this hairstyle?

Aged couple saying cheers with coffee cups

Aged man laughing hard while he and his wife watching movie on tablet

Aged couple looking at tablet and having coffee and cookies

Elder couple sitting at the table and looking at tablet

Aged man pointing out something to his wife

Aged couple sitting at the table and saying cheers with coffee cups

Aged woman laughing hard while holding cookies and her husband doesn't get it

Aged couple holding cups and sitting side to side

Aged couple sitting at the table and watching movie on tablet

Can't be more grateful for having her in my life

Elder woman giving one of two cookies she's holding to elder man

Aged couple holding cups and sitting side to side

Elder man pretending to have cookies' eyes sitting next to his wife

Plumber to the rescue!

A black modestly dressed woman with books in her hands, looks lovingly at the serious black man in the library, who doesn't notice her look

Aged couple having cookies and looking at tablet

Aged couple sitting at the table and holding coffee cups