When you are about to make something really ink-redible

If you had fun it was worth it

Sometimes art is not even what you create, but how you do it

The favourite way to express my feelings

When each stroke of the brush brings peace to your mind

The most satisfying form of art

Young woman in a colourful japanese kimono learns calligraphy by drawing a hieroglyph

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and continues to the constant "i'm not sure if i can do this" soundtrack till the very end of it

Don't you dare to interrupt the artist

If your hobbies don't bring you joy you made a wrong choice

The first steps

Young woman in a colourful japanese kimono learns calligraphy by drawing a hieroglyph

It's not perfect, but it's mine

Let yourself be proud of all those little imperfect things you make as they make you happy and this is all that matters